Thursday, 1 April 2010

The White British Youth

The white British youth have nothing in our days its time to give them somthing, not guilt or shame, we need to give them pride,self respect, honour, and discipline just to make them into who they really are WHITE and without these things were nothing without youth were nothing. Slowly but surely our fantastic race is dieing and when the media put in there heads to act alian, it is very wrong SAD even why should our race suffer in our own country ??? we shouldnt.

Hail our race
Hail britian

Monday, 22 March 2010

The governments way of spending tax

The governtments way of spending tax is on themselfs,with there greedy fingers and greedyish ways they spend the tax payers money on heli pads, bathrooms,cars,and many more selfish things, and it goes to lazy people and immigrants who think its ok to leach of our land and rip it of its pride and glory why do the white population have to suffer just plainly because immigrants expect money or housing.We should not be suffering we should be the first ones to get the money and the housing, not immigrants or any non white who live in this country we should be put first as we are the people who created this country and the first ones to have ever settled here

we will have our country back HAILLLLLLLL

Saturday, 13 March 2010


Posters are now ready to go on the streets of Runcorn and we hope to get a good outcome of this. We hope we make new comrads Hail the fronts!!

Tuesday, 9 March 2010


Runcorn front is heavily recruiting, posters are on the way and are in the process of getting printed, tshirts available soon and we want to raise racialy awareness in small towns, like Runcorn, Widnes etc and if you would like to get in contact please email me at, Hail the new dawn

Monday, 1 March 2010

White Britons will be a minority in a dozen towns within 30 years

Right i have been reading about on the web and i came across somthing distrubing and horrific, The white population in britian is falling distrubingly fast since the fast birth rate of the non white population which is very worrying. With excessive immigration and race mixing the white population will be a minority in thirty years which is shocking, we must solve this prolem befour it gets way to late for us to do anything about it. Multiracailisum and political corretness is taking over our motherland and our birth right as britians and europens, Which this land deserves more respect and honour for the life it has given us and the great heritage and ancestors that have been here for decaids. And it will last for ever while the white population that love there land and race and wanting a better furture for the white culture and race and heritage.

Odin bless our race and nation, and help us get past these dark time Hail odin and Hail the white race, THE RUNCORN FRONT SAYS WE LOVE OUR RACE AND WE WILL HAVE OUR COUNTRY BACK

Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Drugs and Crime

Drugs and Crime what goes through there minds when they are doing these filthy things, Crime is a big part of Multicultural societys in Britian just for mixing the British culture with alian cultures, Most British are lead to belive that mixing races and cultures will make Britian into a more excepting country. I highly doubt this will happen we shall keep our british culture and way of life thank you very much never give in to there lies.
While were talking about multicultural societys lets look at the other problems it has put in our sociteys, Drugs the people who turn to this filth our people who have no meening in life or a sence of self respect or pride, i belive that these people need help off the government the government need to build more places for drug addics to get clean and the help they need,But no they want to give the money to muslims to build mosques in Britian its so discusting, let hope the government see the error of there ways
we will have our country back!!

Monday, 15 February 2010

Multiculturalism in Britian

Multicultralisum in Britian can not work for a few good reasons,
1. It is destroying our British way of life, our White British way of life.
2. Britain has become a battle ground for gangs, who show no respect for the White population.
3. The crime rate has risen dramatically, because of multiculture.

The picture clearly shows the way that our country is going. People are scared to leave their homes in the day, and especially at night. These thug gangs are running the streets, causing fear and intimidation amongst every normal respecting White man, woman and child.
The government blames it on poverty, there has always been poverty, but never ever was there a problem like this until these thug aliens landed on our Proud White Land.
Our own white children are getting led astray by these thugs, if they weren't here our young people would not be taking drugs, and the girls would not be having brown babies.
The RUNCORN FRONT, WIDNES FRONT, STOKE FRONT and NEWCASTLE FRONT are against this drug thug culture, and we say NO to multicultural Britain, we must stop it, as your future and your childrens' futures depend on it.
We must all stick together and fight this evil and put the GREAT back into Great Britain.

muslim extremism

The above picture was taken in this country, there is something very wrong when muslims are burning the Union Jack and making statements as in the photograph. Yet the government does nothing.

I am sure that I am not the only one thinking, if these people love islam and their country so much, then what the hell are they doing here. Alot of these young muslims have never even been to there mother land. So I would like to take this oppourtunity to tell them all to book a flight and go home, they can find out for themselves then. If they all get one way tickets, then they will be able to afford to take their whole bloody family with them. See ya !!!!!
be there or die hail blood and honour 828

Our white heritage

The Vikings are a very important part of our heritage and history, and yet our white youth don't seem to know much about it, or how important it is.
Its no wonder that they are being influenced by the gang culture that has flooded our land. They show no respect for themselves or their fellow white man.
Don't get me wrong, I'm all for our youth learning about other cultures, after all education is the civillised mans' weapon. After all it's what seperates us from the savages.
If they were taught about our heritage and culture, they would then realise what it means to be British and proud. They would then have respect for themselves, each other and ultimately respect for their white race.